Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lo siento. (I'm sorry.)

The pausa poquita of the last weeks has been due to two main things in my life: the week gearing up for my trip to Nicaragua and my actual trip to Nicaragua.  After a week of running around, tying up last minute details, one canceled flight and a serious passport glitch with one of our students, our team of nine safely enjoyed Nicaragua, learned much about their educational systems and culture and made it back safely to the Estados Unidos.  Phew.  
That being said, between carefully packing my suitcase, checking off my list of requested items from Peace Corps volunteers we met and trying to remember more than three Spanish words, the kitchen didn't rest completely, - just my fingers with the typing.  Disculpe.  
Pre-trip, the kitchen was busy with visitors, including my amazing co-director of the Nicaragua Project, Amalie Gorbold, for a bit of chocolatey goodness, my beautiful little sister came over for a simple pre-Ani Difranco concert meal and Schaeffer for a silly portioned tuna steaks.  It was a busy week.
Chicken piccata (#55)
Chocolate ginger snap tart (#56)
Unbelievably rich.  The pepper adds a bite!
 Never without a dollop of homemade whipped cream.
Cavatelli with cherry tomato and arugula sauce (#57)
All of my favorite things.

Sesame and pepper encrusted tuna (#58)
Wasabi mashed potatoes (#59)
Wow!  Smell that wasabi!
 Really overestimated portions of tuna.  :-)
 Enjoy the photos.  This week is another gear-up for my next excursion.  I leave for Albania next Monday to visit my favorite childhood friend and Peace Corps volunteer. That being said, I really missed my kitchen.

241 to go...

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