Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More spring!

These peonies have done-me-in.  They must have been my favorite flower all along.  Although, Schaeffer says I call every flower I come home with from the grocery store my favorite flower.  This time, Schaeffer, I mean it.  (At least until next time.)  Here are the lovely ones last evening:
 I woke up to this stunning sight:
Still incredibly lovely.

How about that color change throughout the days?  Unbelievable.  I will find it hard to resist another bunch in the coming days.  Although, I never actually try to resist buying fresh flowers..ever.  So it is all relative.


Pesto, chimichurri, gremolata...whatever you want to call it, I love these little condiments.  Perfectly fresh and often from a simple handful of ingredients likely found in the kitchen or fridge, they are an excellent addition to meat or poultry on any night.  Pine nuts are a handy thing to keep around for things like this.  Their taste is nutty, but not overbearing to become the center flavor.  
The salad will delicious and sooo summery!  It is so nice to have an a selection of tomatoes that actually taste like tomatoes right now at the farmer's market.  I quickly found this recipe at the grocery store from my phone; epicurious app = get it now if you don't have it.  Yum.

190 to go...

1 comment:

  1. Well, Kimmie, I've just caught up with all the recent blogs I've missed and I'm so glad I did! I've heard about the asparagus tart and I already know about your love for flowers (any kind). But I've really enjoyed seeing the photos of the peonies, and also especially the birthday cake by Nate. How creative, how special...
    You sure are whittling this menu list down. I predict you'll miss this blog. I know your followers will!
