Can she cook?
This is the question I've often imagined a man's mother asking about me. Or about any of us, really. So you met a girl? She's a nice girl? She's from a nice family? Can she cook? Yes, something like that. A sort of make-shift version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding happening in the homes of a man when they tell their mothers that they have met a woman. There is no shame in it, really; we all have questions, excitements, raised eyebrows, skepticisms, etc, when we hear of a family member meeting a potential mate. One of my dearest, although anonymous for these purposes, friends has a new man in her life. So, naturally, they came over for dinner. And, as I got ready for, cooked and hosted, I found myself trying to impress him. As if my friend has brought this man to my house for a home-cooked meal in order to answer his mother should she ever ask "Can she cook?"
Chicken Provencal (#172)
String beans with sauteed radishes (#173)
yum. |
Much effort went into a simple menu, - not too showy and difficult, and yet, chicken breast always seems to go over the line in my kitchen between perfect and too dry. This time, my dear friends, for I think the first time, it worked. It was cooked through and as moist as could be. But that isn't even the best part.
Cooked radishes are a revelation. Yes, they are. And the easiest thing to make ever. Follow these steps and discover your newest favoritest vegetable:
1. Buy, wash and slice ends off radishes.
2. Cut into quarters.
3. Blanche in boiling water until the red skin turns pink.
4. Saute in a tablespoon of olive oil until soft and the slightest browned edges.
5. Enjoy.
I think the evening went well for impressing the new man. Then again, he impressed me too. Obviously he must be someone extra special to get to hang out with she-who-shall-not-be-named.
127 to go...
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