We'd decided to bake cookies together earlier in the week, and knowing it needed to be something I'd not yet cooked, I chose Snickerdoodles (#13) and gathered our materials.
After perusing my newest apartment, which they have not visited before, we got to cookie work!
Elka and Isaiah shared the jobs of measuring and adding ingredients to the mixer, and lots of ogling eyes were peeking in to sneak a taste. Which, I should say, we did much of whilst making this batter, rolling the cookies, tossing them in cinnamon and sugar and dropping them on the baking sheets. Wow...my mouth is still watering just thinking about it!
Isaiah did an awesome job putting the dough balls into lines on the sheets after Elka, Silas, Molly and I rolled them in the cinnamon-sugar bowl. It was a real testament to how big my little man is getting! With some assistance, my favorite kindred middle child little friend spaced the dough and only licked his fingers three times per cookie. :-) Hey, who can blame him? It was a batter of butter and sugar, and few other things.
As we waited patiently for the cookies to bake in the oven, we passed the time with fort-making and chair jumping and iron board playing with! It really couldn't have been a better way to wait for those delicious cookies.
BEEP! Finally, what seemed like ages passing in 13 minutes, they were done! Is anything more perfect that the variety of sizes and shapes and cinnamon coating on these cookies? I love them. Especially the itty baby ones and the enormous melt-into-one-another ones!
And delicious they were! Silas certainly thought so. I have yet to master the art of photography with almost-two-year-olds. So, alas, there is blur. However, we definitely all see just how much he is enjoying this cookie!
The evening ended with chicken fingers, french fries and grilled cheeses at The Diner. Quite perfect.
Thanks Molly and kiddos! Come again soon!
287 to go...
That was so much fun. I was totally regretting having forgotten my take-home baggy of delicious snickerdoodles! Thank you for baking with us!