Thursday, June 17, 2010

Good things, new things & both things.

When people say all good things must come to an end, I have one thing to say to them: "Why?" I have simply never understood why is absolutely natural and necessary for all good things to end. Having been blessed with a whole lot of good things in my life, I really hope this isn't true. It was true, however, with my dear roommate Beth. Having decided it was time to act like a grown up (I can't understand it either) and have an apartment all on her own, Beth moved out. The door to her apartment building may be less than one hundred yards from the door to my apartment building, but nonetheless, we packed up her belongings and carried her mattress across 16th St NW on our shoulders. No, really we did.
It also meant that a new roommate has moved in. She is fabulous and funny and friendly, and her name is Libby. I'm super excited to have a new friend, and she is new to the District which certainly helps us all be reminded how shiny the city can look from the perspective of fresh eyes. Whilst I was getting my y'all and do-si-do on in Nashvegas, Libby moved in.

The twelve hour drive home to DC, coupled with the end of anticipation for the trip and reluctant goodbyes that were exchanged, brought on a tinge of the mean reds. It called for one meal and one meal only. Spaghetti and Meatballs.

Angel hair with meatballs and three tomato sauce (#125)
Arugula salad with tomatoes, olives & vinaigrette
My stamina was running low, but I found a package of frozen meatballs in the freezer and ran to the little market down the street for some ingredients to cook up something homemade and spicy to go with those not-fresh-but-will-do-the-trick meatballs. We chatted over dinner about her whirlwind first weekend in this new city (she moved from Chicago), works, boys, families, friends...

I've been known to be resistant to change. But Beth moving out and Libby moving in is helping me realize that rather than one good thing ending, it is one good thing moving into another stage and another good thing taking foot.
Welcome, Libby.

175 to go...

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