Thursday, June 10, 2010

A circle of girlfriends is a relatively new concept in my life.  I've spent some time both learning to make and maintain these relationships and appreciate their importance.  Finally spending some time on this part of my social life has been rewarding, at times scary, and incredibly important.  Suffice it to say, the quintessential 'girls night' is equally new.  And, I'm happy to report, equally fun.  There were two perfectly simple nights of pasta with just girls, full with dinner, laughter and wine.  

Angel hair with mushrooms and asparagus (#119)
Ricotta toast 
After reading about this deliciously simple mushroom side recipe on Dana Treat, I thought it'd be perfect for the gaggle of girls full with all kinds of vegetarian needs.  I tossed asparagus in the last couple of minutes to add something green and then poured the mixture over pasta. 

Angel Hair with Mint and Basil Pesto (#120)
The link here is for basil pesto, and might I add it is a delicious recipe, however, I picked up some mint and added equal parts basil and mint for this pesto sauce.  Mint is perhaps one of the most perfect summer flavors.  When I was little my dear neighbor, adopted granddad and friend, Tommy Capelli, used to have a garden in his backyard full of herbs and vegetables.  He used to pick five or six leaves, I'd taste them and tell him which leaf was which plant.  But, mint was different.  "Mint" alone wasn't quite adequate.  He'd respond, "Peppermint or spearmint?"  This was such a fun game to me, and because of it, I know my mints!  The rest of the bunch was perfect thrown in a big pitcher of water with lemon.  
I wish I'd taken some pictures of these wonderful friends on this night, but, alas, until next time.  Amalie, Beth, Abby and Molly, thanks gals.  My dearest friend Irene, from college and grad school, and a fellow teacher, was in town that weekend, too.  Although not together for girls night, she is by far one of the most loyal person I know.  I can officially say, I get the girlfriend thing. 

180 to go...

Are these just stunning or what?

Stick around for the Nashvegas edition coming up very soon...


  1. To many more girls nights to come!

  2. there's a difference between peppermint and spearamint mint leaves?
