Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's not you, it's me.

Last night, while out to dinner with some friends, someone spontaneously said to me, "Kim, why do you hate your blog?"  Caught by surprise, I immediately denied it. But, truth is, I've needed a hiatus, I guess.  I promise it is not you, it is me. Totally and completely. That being said, I'm going to cook on and blog on. And, in order to get back in the saddle in the best way possible, I need to share with you the most perfect date that I recently had, right in my own house.  

Friends, I interrupt my normal programming to share that, Schaeffer can cook.  On the real.

Homemade Spaghetti with homemade gravy and homemade meatballs (#-I-did-absolutely-nothing-but-watch-with-extreme-pleasure)

This, my friends, was a first for me.  Serial monogamist I may be, but no one, I repeat no one, I have been in a relationship with, has cooked me dinner.  Not to mention it was Schaeffer's idea!  Lucky gal, this one.  

I had strict instructions:  sit at the counter and do a crossword.  Or work.  But don't cross over to the kitchen side of the counter unless I'm asked to do so.  The view of him strategizing how to break up tomatoes with his hands without actually using his hands was the best.
Fake left.
Fake right.
Then again, I think the meatball-making was pretty priceless, too.
"ew. ew. ew. how do you do this?" --sd.
I sat and drank a glass of red wine, highlighted, read my homework and couldn't stop looking up out of the corner of my eye to catch a glimpse of it all.  And also to see what other 'tool' he'd put in his 'tool belt' (aka waist of the apron or neck of his polo). 
Libby (roomie) joined in the fun.
pasta perfection.
It was the kind of night you realize, without even realizing it, that everything is pretty good.  And, really, is there any better feeling than that?  I think not.  Love you, partner.  And thank you.
'nuff said.

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